Chicken yoghurt recipe

Chicken yoghurt recipe a very simple recipe with chicken and very tasty.The incredients we need for 4 people are:
1 chicken 1.200 g1 yogurt 250gram.5 tablespoons mustardsalt - pepper1 / 2 wine glass of olive oil3 cloves garlic
1 bag of baking
Go now to make:
First cut the chicken into portions. Then wash and season. Allow 5 minutes.Then a portion of a brush (here we put hand) with mustard and then with the yogurt.Allow to marinate for 1 hour.Then place it in the bag carefully as it is, add the olive oil and garlic and a closeable bag. I fold to 2 fold and seal with a stapler. This is a trick I learned is blonde and has a very good result.Bake in a fan heater for 1 hour and is ready.
Accompany it with rice, potatoes or whatever you want